June 11-14,   2025, Zakopane,   Poland

ModTech2025 - Hybrid format - The last deadline for abstracts is February 15, 2025.

Sponsors Conference ModTech 2024




Cotnari Iasi

The Newest Partnership 2024


Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania

  • “Dunarea De Jos” University of Galati is an academic educational public institution aiming to contribute to creating and disseminating cultural values, to technological and scientific creation, to supporting all the economic, educational and social units in the area where it activates – the “Lower Danube” Euro-Region – and from all around the country, through a strong involvement in the socio-economic environment of the area.
  • The University is a modern institution, the largest one university in the southeast of Romania, which has gained a solid national and international reputation thanks to its achievements down through the decades. With its 16 faculties, more than 17,000 students and with an experienced teaching staff of 1,000, the University provides a rich educational offer, both in technical and socio-economic domains.
  • International and national co-operations are a prerequisite for ensuring the sustainability and quality of teaching and research at the University. Cultivating a network of international relations allows “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati to boost the mobility of its academic staff and students and is now an active participant in most of the European and American academic associations. “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati values its place among European research universities and pays special attention to building and developing links with esteemed universities of the world.
  • “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati research co-operation efforts have been extensive and successful - the scientists and scholars of the university are frequent contributors to reputable research journals and participants in many international research projects. Numerous international conferences attracting high-calibre researchers from all over the world are held in Galati.
  • One of the most dynamic faculty of the University, in terms of the continuing improvement of the quality in didactic, research and scientific activities, is Faculty of Engineering, which is the main regional trainer of specialists in the fields of: Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Mechatronics and Robotics, Automotive Vehicles, Engineering and Management and Environmental Engineering, covering three study levels: Bachelor's, Master's and PhD programs.
  • The Department of Manufacturing Engineering (DME), a pillar structure of the Faculty of Engineering, manages the Manufacturing and Welding Engineering study programs with curriculum content closely connected to the manufacturing, metallurgy and shipbuilding industries, specific to this geographical region. The DME’s academic staff, involved in the didactical activities of both study programs, comprises 11 professors, 2 associate professors, 11 assistant professors. The most representative didactic laboratories are in connection with: Cutting Process Technologies, Cold Metal Forming, Cutting Tools, Fusion Welding and Pressure Welding Technologies and NDT Testing. Besides, the academic staff is developing research and scientific activities in the framework of the Research Centre for Technological Engineering in Machine Building and the Research Centre for Advanced Researches in Welding. The main research laboratories of the research centres are: Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems, Laboratory of Polymeric Materials Research, Laboratory for Modelling and Optimisation of Manufacturing Processes, Laboratory of Cold Metal Forming, Laboratory of Systems and Welding Technologies and Laboratory for Modelling and Simulation of Welding Processes. The results achieved, in the last 5 years, by the development and implementation of national/international projects have been disseminated in more than 80 articles published in journals and conferences proceedings indexed by Thomson Reuters (ISI), 15 patents and over 150 articles indexed in international databases.
  • Web page: http://www.ugal.ro

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