June 11-14,   2025, Zakopane,   Poland

ModTech2025 - Hybrid format - The last deadline for abstracts is February 15, 2025.

Sponsors Conference ModTech 2024




Cotnari Iasi

The Newest Partnership 2024


Alecu Russo State University of Balti, Republic of Moldova

  • Sincerely willing to not only let you know more things about Bălţi University but also to provide a future as decent as possible I respectfully invite you, dear friends, to read this prospectus leisurely and freely if you really intend to realize the distinct character of this strong university citadel. Though its age (that started in 1945) is modest compared to „great” history, it is getting gradually more and more charged with the nobility of creative exploring, particularly of great fulfillment. That is, agedness does not mean everything for an educational institution; neither should it be ignored because, in the course of time, experiences get richer, doubts are overcome, quality increases, realizations are contoured more clearly. Thus at the moment:
  • -the University trains professionals in 48 specialities (Licentiate studies) and 27 specialities ( Master studies) at four faculties ( Faculty of Philology; Faculty of Exact, Economic and Environmental Sciences; Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Arts; Faculty of Law and Social Assistance) the University provides development of specialists for the national economy at all levels ( Licentiate Studies, Master’s and Doctoral programs) as well as continuing development for in-service professionals;
  • -the University campus consists of seven study buildings, five hostels, a modern library, three gyms, an attractive canteen, etc; Over 5300 undergraduates, 903 Master’s students, 54 Doctoral students and 318 pupils of Ion Creanga College reside, at the moment, in the world of science and education;
  • -the scientific and didactic expertise of the academic staff is represented by Doctors Habilitate - 9, Doctors - 100, University Professors –6 and Associate Professors - 68;
  • The University vocation for collaboration and competitiveness is confirmed by dozens of agreements signed with universities from Europe and other continents, as well as by the projects technically and logistically supported by the European Council, the Francophone University Agency and the European Union programs for higher education: Tempus, Erasmus-Mundus, Jean Monnet, and Youth in Action. thousands of the University alumni admit that their intellectual development was decisively marked by this institution that honestly serves the book science and culture; Being aware that a competitive European academic environment should be created Bălţi Academic Staff is prepared:
  • -to respond with enthusiasm, working power, skills and patriotic devotion to current challenges related not only to the economic and political state of the Republic of Moldova, but also to globalization, to difficulties of implementing the Bologna Declaration to sustainability maintenance and University identity;
  • -to create opportunities to combine the material capital (infrastructure) with the human capital (communication, courage, creativity, dynamism, competence, initiative and value);
  • -to avoid errors, fumbling, uncertainty and superficiality while trying to achieve European standards in education and research;
  • -to outshine the academic staff of other universities through talent, knowledge and decency;
  • -to provide an appropriate climate that would stimulate competitiveness, performance, and creativity of both collaborators and undergraduates, Master’s and Doctoral students.

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