June 11-14,   2025, Zakopane,   Poland

ModTech2025 - Hybrid format - The last deadline for abstracts is February 15, 2025.

Sponsors Conference ModTech 2024




Cotnari Iasi

The Newest Partnership 2024


University Putra Malaysia (UPM)

  • Academic. In an effort to ensure that UPM is a leading and renowned centre of education and research, UPM emphasizes that the content of programmes offered is in accordance with the requirements of the current job market. This is to fulfill its vision of becoming a reputable international university.
  • Research. The concept of research can be clearly defined by the element of re-searching that it encompasses within it. Research, in its most basic sense, is all about exploring a subject deep enough to discover, aspects that have not been examined or known before. Research, therefore, can be described as the central nervous system in which the process of securing knowledge takes place. For a University, where knowledge is the very reason for its existence, research becomes an indispensable tool, only through which true scholarship can be obtained.
  • Linkages. UPM believes in the need for its students to be a part of the real world of business and community. Empowering the campus community by creating opportunities for it to connect with the business circle and society in general is seen as crucial to providing an entrepreneurial perspective to the University’s core areas which are education and research.
  • International. The University's strong and valued relationships with the local and regional communities are the foundation upon which our global vision is based. UPM’s community is a global one, as indicated by the breadth of our international links and the impact of our work internationally. This serves only to strengthen the importance we attach to the local communities of which we serve, whether within the country or throughout the entire region.
  • https://www.upm.edu.my/

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