June 11-14,   2025, Zakopane,   Poland

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Sponsors Conference ModTech 2024




Cotnari Iasi

The Newest Partnership 2024


Formula Student Romania (FSRo)

  • Formula Student Romania, FSRo, pushes its team members to go above and beyond in their education by integrating real-world building and manufacturing experience with a close examination of the economics of the automotive sector. Groups assume the role of a manufacturer working on a prototype that will be considered for mass production. Excellent handling, braking, and acceleration qualities are required of the vehicle. It ought to be dependable and available at a very affordable price. In addition, other elements like comfort, style, and the use of easily accessible, standard purchase components raise the car's market value.
  • FSRo Research & Publish

  • Formula Student is much more than just a competition, it is research and learning, experimenting and putting new concepts into practice. Formula Student is an unparalleled and remarkable experience for the professional future of the participants. And what better way to learn and exchange information than from experienced engineers, professionals in different fields, teachers and researchers?
  • This year, FSRo is proud to announce the start of the FSRo Research & Publish event. It will be an event that will take place during the Formula Student Romania competition, an event that only student team members of the participating FSRo 2024 teams will be able to register for.
  • This event will be held in cooperation with ModTech Publishing House Romania, publisher of the journals IJMMT (indexed by Scopus, Inspec-Engineering Village, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, CNKI and in the assessment process by WoS-Clarivate Analytics) and IJMEM (indexed by GOOGLE SCHOLAR), thus providing the opportunity for participants to publish a research paper in a field, which may deal in detail with certain technological, conceptual, economic or other aspects that were the basis or are part of the DR, BP or CR documentation.
  • Papers will be presented in front of a committee of specialists in the field, thus giving the opportunity to students/future engineers and researchers to promote and present their research. Papers will be published in one of these two journals depending on the chosen topic.
  • The top three best papers will be awarded in a ceremony dedicated to this event.
  • Registration, research paper presentation and publication will be free of charge, the costs being covered by the ModTech, FSRo and event sponsors.
  • Web page: http://www.https://www.formulastudent.ro

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