June 11-14,   2025, Zakopane,   Poland

ModTech2025 - Hybrid format - The last deadline for abstracts is February 15, 2025.

Sponsors Conference ModTech 2024




Cotnari Iasi

The Newest Partnership 2024


Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Silesian University of Technology

  • The Silesian University of Technology (SUT) is one of the biggest universities of technology in Poland, with more than 60-years successful tradition in education, research and development as well as cooperation with industry. Nowadays the University offers courses within over 140 specialties in 34 majors, run by following 12 faculties:
  • • Faculty of Architecture
  • • Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science
  • • Faculty of Civil Engineering
  • • Faculty of Chemistry
  • • Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • • Faculty of Mining and Geology
  • • Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering
  • • Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
  • • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • • Faculty of Organization and Management
  • • Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy
  • • Faculty of Transport
  • The Faculties cover the whole range of engineering disciplines, as well as elements of management, sociology and administration. The number of students in all types of courses in the academic year 2007/2008 exceeded 30 000. Educational and research activities benefit from large number of modern lecture halls and advanced laboratories and are carried out by remarkable university staff consisting of over 1700 academic teachers including 300 professors and DSc degree holders.
  • The Silesian University of Technology is an active partner of the European students exchange within the framework of the LLP-Erasmus programme, on the basis of over 145 bilateral agreements with European universities. Following the Bologna Declaration, the Silesian University of Technology has activated courses at different levels: Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and PhD courses. Studies at the Silesian University of Technology provide with opportunities for successful entry into professional life and highly developed research work.
  • Our experience and internationally recognized standing will ensure that your B.Sc. or M.Sc. degree will be of the highest rank, you will acquire all the skills that international employers are looking for. So, if your interests lay in engineering disciplines and you decide to face a challenge of modern world, do not hesitate and join us.
  • Web page: http://www.polsl.pl/en/Strony/0_welcome.aspx

    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

  • Academic staff of the Faculty consists of nearly 40 professors and associate professors as well as 160 PhD academics. The Faculty carries research in the following disciplines: material science of steel, special and construction alloys, tool steels and sintered materials used for tools; material processes technologies, mechanics, robotics, mechatronics, fluid mechanics, biomechanics, mechanical vibrations, dynamics, drive systems, virtual models in designing, operation and maintenance of machinery, computer aided design, construction and machinery operation and maintenance, technical diagnostics and methods and techniques of noise and machinery vibrations reduction.
  • The Faculty enjoys the wide scientific and didactic co-operation with over 150 universities located on every continent moreover, it has one of the greatest foreign students exchange (almost 80 students and PhD students join annually one-semester studies in almost every European country, mainly within CEEPUS and ERASMUS programs). The Faculty prides on traditionally good collaboration with numerous firms and companies operating in the field of industrial automation and robotics, machinery design, production engineering, material science, welding, casting, PVC processing and production engineering.
  • Structure:
  • •Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials;
  • •Institute of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems;
  • •Department of Applied Mechanics;
  • •Department of Strength of Materials and Computation Mechanics;
  • •Department of Welding;
  • •Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design;
  • •Department of Machine Technology.
  • Current co-operation with industry embraces among others the following assignments:

  • -carrying out mutual research and development works, developmental and goal oriented projects;
  • -participation of firms in delivering equipment and fitting out the research and didactic laboratories at the Faculty;
  • -transfer of new technologies from science to industry and form industry to didactics;
  • -organizing postgraduate studies for all candidates to raise their professional qualifications;
  • -giving expertise and doing researches in the laboratories at the Faculty and giving opinions concerning the innovative character of undertakings carried out by business enterprises.
  • Fields of study in Polish:

  • •Automation and Robotics;
  • •Mechanics and Machine Technology;
  • •Mechatronics;
  • •Management and Production Engineering;
  • •Applied Automation with Computer Materials Science;
  • •Nanotechnology and Material Processes Technologies;
  • •Technical and Computer Science Education.
  • Web page: http://www.mt.polsl.pl/stronamt/ogloszenia.html

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