June 11-14,   2025, Zakopane,   Poland

ModTech2025 - Hybrid format - The last deadline for abstracts is February 15, 2025.

Sponsors Conference ModTech 2024




Cotnari Iasi

The Newest Partnership 2024


Welcome to ModTech 2025 International Conference!

Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering

June 11-14, 2025, Tatra Hotel, Zakopane, Poland

The main objectives of ModTech International Conference - Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering VII are to bring together representatives of technology manufacturers, of various state institutions, universities, industry, professional associations, to debate and exchange experiences on important Conference topics. Another main objective of ModTech International Conference consists of providing a good networking opportunity to all these groups.

The Conference topics are as follows:

A. Engineering of Manufacturing Processes: Novel Manufacturing Methods; Advances in Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes; Virtual Manufacturing; Advanced Methods and Tools for Computer Integrated Manufacturing; New Industrial Applications; Smart Manufacturing; Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing;

B. Advances in Composite Materials and Technologies: Advanced Metals, Ceramics and Polymers; Bio-Materials; Recycling of Materials;

C. Characterization, Modeling and Simulation of Mechanical Processes: Mechanical, Structural, Physical and Geometrical Characterization; Probabilistic Modeling and Analysis;

D. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Industrial Robots, CIM Systems, Biological Inspired Robotics, Social Robotics, Entertainment Robotics;

E. Technology Transfer: Knowledge Management Case Studies; Knowledge Communication; Knowledge Portals, Engineering Innovation; Business Intelligence; Business Process Modeling and Analysis, Process Planning and Flexible Workflow; Security in Business Process;

F. Micro- and Nano- Technologies: New Developments in Micro/Nano Scale Processes; Fabrication of Nano structure and Materials: Nano films, Nano-bubbles, Nano-droplets, Nano fluids.

G. Maritime Engineering and Navigation: Maritime Engineering and Technologies, Maritime Transport and Economics.


Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania

Technical Sciences Academy of Romania, Bucharest, Romania

Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi, Romania


"Alecu Russo" State University of Balti, Republic of Moldova

The Society of Powder Technology, Japan

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland

Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat, India

Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania

"Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau, Romania

"Dunarea de Jos" University, Galati, Romania

"Stefan cel Mare" University, Suceava, Romania

The General Association of Engineers in Romania (AGIR)

Constanta Maritime University, Romania

International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies (IJMMT) - Open Access, ISSN 2067-3604


The International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies has been born as a consequence of the natural necessity of putting into circulation a journal specialized in manufacturing technologies, an area whose topicality is obvious. The journal is addressed to mechanical field experts of both nano, micro and macro levels.

The Journal aims to provide a forum for the prompt publication of original research on all topics presented below. Basic research papers are welcomed as well as proposals for review articles.

The main topics of the journal are: Micro & Nano Technologies; Rapid Prototyping Technologies; High Speed Manufacturing Processes; Ecological Technologies in Machine Manufacturing; Manufacturing and Automation; Flexible Manufacturing; New Manufacturing Processes; Design, Control and Exploitation; Assembly and Disassembly; Cold Forming Technologies; Mechanical processes simulation and characterization; Optimization of Experimental Research and Manufacturing Processes; Maintenance, Reliability, Life Cycle Time and Cost; CAD/CAM/CAE/CAX Integrated Systems; Composite Materials Technologies; Non-conventional Technologies; Concurrent Engineering; Virtual Manufacturing; Innovation, Creativity and Industrial Development; Manufacturing Sytems; Welding Technologies; Industrial Design; Gear Design and Technologies.

The journal is supported by the Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania.

The Editorial Committee includes specialists from 17 countries, namely: from Romania - 2, USA-2, Japan-1, France-1, Portugal-1, Serbia-1, Germany-1, Poland-1, Ireland-1, China-1, South Korea-1, Republic of Moldova-1, Spain-1, Mexico-1, Australia-1, India-1 and Egypt-1. The Scientific Committee comprises specialists from prestigious Romanian and foreign universities, counting 52 experts from 25 countries. There are 11 Romanian members and 41 members from other countries (France,Portugal, United Kingdom, Poland, China, Germany, Sweden, Republic of Moldova, USA, Serbia, Ukraine, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Canada, Russia, Slovakia, Netherlands, India, Indonesia and Egypt).

The International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies was accepted for indexing in these international databases:







The IJMMT evaluation is in progress by WoS. The following databases were also contacted: Academic Journals Database, CABI and DOAJ.

The IJMMT does not charge a publication fee.

International Journal of Manufacturing Economics and Management (IJMEM) - Open Access, ISSN 2784-1278


International Journal of Manufacturing Economics and Management has been born as a consequence of the natural necessity of putting into circulation a journal specialized in manufacturing economics and management, an area whose topicality is obvious. The journal is addressed to mechanical field experts of both nano, micro and macro levels.

The main goal of this journal is to provide a platform in order to share and debate different issues in Manufacturing Economics and Management. All the manuscripts are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. The journal publishes articles including but not limited to the following topics:

Management of research-development-innovation activities; Management of design activities; Manufacturing and logistics; Economic and technical planning; Strategic and operational planning; Economic and functional management of tools, devices, checkers; Product quality management; Risk management and risk analysis; Diagnosis and maintenance; Economics of transportation systems; Cost of manufacturing processes

The journal is supported by the Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania.

The Editorial Board and Scientific Committee includes specialists from 20 countries, namely: from Romania - 8, USA-1, Japan-1, France-1, Serbia-2, Germany-1, Poland-4, South Korea-2, Republic of Moldova-3, Spain-1, Mexico-2, Australia-1, India-2, Malaysia-3, Turkey-2, Iraq-3, Greece-1, Russia-2, Croatia-1 and Italy-2.

Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania

The scope of the ModTech Iasi-Romania Professional Association, consists of the performance of the following activities: design-research-development-small production in engineering, technical consultancy and specific results dissemination actions of results such as congresses, conferences, symposiums and workshops.

Here are the main advantages for the members:
- 15% fee reduction for the ModTech International Conference;
- publication priority in the International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies;
- access to the scientific information belonging to ModTech Iasi-Romania Professional Association;
- facilitating exchange between specialists in engineering.

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