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Technical Sciences Academy of Romania (ASTR)

  • In the meeting of the founder members of the 17th of October 1997, was established the "Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania" Association (ASTR) and its leadership was elected. Then began the steps to obtain legal personality, based in the building in Blvd. Dacia nr. 26 in Bucharest, generously provided by AGIR.
  • By Civil Sentence No. 1216 / 11.12.1997 of the Bucharest Tribunal - Civil Litigation Division - Civila, the juridical personality of the Association "Technical Academy of Romania" was obtained as an autonomous, non-governmental, apolitical and nonprofit organization.
  • Since then, ASTR has been performing its own goals, being recognized and appreciated in the country and abroad. As a result, in October 2006, ASTR was accepted in EURO-CASE (European Council of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering), along with 21 other engineering engineering academies in Europe.
  • We have chosen and practiced a profession which, more than any other, has deep roots in history, and the simple, yet profound truths upon which any engineering act is founded are, at all times, the source of progress, of civilization and prosperity. If we set up any ideological and actional approach to the foundation of honesty and we will rigorously assess our closer and deeper past, we will acquire new soul resources of creative energy to meet the present and future challenges of the world we live in. So, every day, we will always have stronger grounds to strengthen our faith in everything that is the cause for which it deserves to fight, and which fully justifies the pride of being competent to the imperatives of time.
  • Prof.univ.em.dr.ing.DHC Valeriu V. Jinescu
  • President
  • www.astr.ro

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