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Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania

The Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania (www.modtech.ro) shall constitute a legal person of private law, professional, non-governmental, neutral political, ethnic and religious, independent, non-patrimonial, operating in accordance with Romanian legislation (O.G. 26/2000 re-published and modified by Law no. 246/2005) and the regulations of the present statute.

The Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania acquires legal personality in accordance with Romanian legislation, from the date of registration in the Register of non-patrimonial legal persons, of private law.

The purpose of the Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania consists in achievement the following activities: Activities of design - research - development - micro-production in engineering, specialty technical advice related to those specific manifestations for results dissemination such as congresses, conferences, symposiums and workshops.

The members of The Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania can be individual persons who have attained the age of 18 years and recognize the statute and regularly pay the fee established by the General Assembly or the Managing Board. The associate members could be individuals or companies from Romania and abroad.

If you want to become an associate member of ModTech Iasi-Romania Professional Association, please follow the steps:

- please read carefully the Statute of the Association;
- please make sure that your activity is situated inside of Association activities;
- please make sure that the fee is suitable for you and you can support it;
- please fill the Adhesion Form and send it to the mentioned address below adhesion form presented.

The members of the Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania have the following rights and duties:

-To attend the General Assembly and to express themselves by voting on decisions taken;
-To participate in debates;
-To benefit of the Association's services, on equal basis;
-To propose and initiate actions and programmes accordingly to the statute;
-To participate in the actions organized by the Association;
-To elect and be elected to governing structures of the Association, in the conditions stipulated by the statute;
-To recommend new members admission;
-To collaborate in the publications edited by the Association;
-To participate personally, as representative of the Association, in congresses, conferences, symposiums, in the country and abroad.

-To respect the Statute and the decisions of the governing structures of the Association;
-To pay the membership contribution;
-To participate in the programme of activities organized by the Association;
-To promote, support, represent and defend the interests of the Association, by their actions;
-To effectively participate to the elaboration of programmes, projects, documents specific to the activities of the Association;
-To preserve privacy regarding the solutions and decisions adopted within the Association.

The main advantages to be a member in Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania are as follow:

-15% reducing fee for the ModTech International Conference;
-publication priority in International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies;
-access to the scientific information belonging to ModTech Iasi - Romania Professional Association;
-facilitating exchange between specialists in engineering.

Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania
Blvd. Carol I, No.28A, Bl.E4, Sc.B, Et.1, Ap.6, 700504 Iasi, Romania
Tel +40 332 41 54 72, Fax +40 332 41 54 72
E-mail: office@modtech.ro; office.modtech@gmail.com

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