June 11-14,   2025, Zakopane,   Poland

ModTech2025 - Hybrid format - The last deadline for abstracts is February 15, 2025.

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Statement of Publication Ethics, Malpractice and Peer Review Policies

The main objectives of FSRo International Conference are to bring together students from different specializations, of various universities, research institutes, to debate and exchange experiences on important Conference topics. Another main objective of FSRo International Conference consists of providing a good networking opportunity to all Formula Student teams. In order to assure the highest standards, a double blind reviewing policy is applied. The authors, the editors and the reviewers agree to meet the responsibilities stated below in accordance to the FSRo publication ethics and malpractice statement. The ethical problem in scientific research and publishing is the most important step in starting any work.

Responsibilities for the authors:

The author(s) must be aware of the originality of the article and that it has not been published or submitted for publication to another conference or journal.

The author(s) before submission must ensure that the article meets the requirements of the chosen publication.

The author(s) have a duty to inform the editor of any conflict of interest.

The authors are responsible for the content and the validity of experimental results of their articles submitted and should ensure that they have permission from all parties involved to make public the information.

Responsibilities for the editors:

The editors must decide on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript considering the originality and importance of the article take into account the conference topics.

The editors must respect the principle of confidentiality for any information type pertaining to the submitted manuscripts.

The editors must assign the manuscript to a minimum of two reviewers and if the situation requires a total of 3 to 5 reviewers.

The editors must verify the comments and recommendations of reviewers and send to the authors in due time.

The editors are required to return the revised manuscripts to the reviewers, to verify the reviewers' final comments and take the final decision to accept or not the articles.

Responsibilities for the reviewers:

The reviewers should inform the editors of any conflict of interest or if the manuscript is not in their field of competence.

The reviewers must objectively evaluate primarily the manuscripts on their originality and inclusion or not in a conference topics and then if the research scientific level can be accepted or not.

The reviewers must fit, if possible, in the allocated review period of time and submit relevant comments and recommendations for improving the manuscripts by the authors.

The reviewers have a duty to re-review the revised manuscripts and send the final comments to the editor.

Please read the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers by Irene Hames on behalf of COPE Council, March 2013, v.1 (www.publicationethics.org).

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